The Amazon is on the brink of disintegration.

We have less than 10 years to save the Amazon.

If the Amazon falls, the fight against climate change is lost.

Amazonia has topped the Forbes Billionaires list. It’s humanity’s most important natural asset.

The Brazilian Amazon bioeconomy has the potential to generate $8 billion annually by 2050. Driving economic growth without further deforestation. 

In contrast, the current deforestation-driven economic model has pushed the region towards ecological collapse, without significant economic benefits to local populations.

(World Resources Institute)

Indigenous peoples are only 5% of the global population, yet they steward 80% of global biodiversity. 

They often face persecution & exploitation, and receive little support.

Amazonian cultures & ecosystems are facing existential threats from climate change & the relentless extractive demands of the globalised economy.

Nature-based Solutions are a powerful toolkit. 
But they are not being scaled quickly enough.

"NbS are a critical toolkit to address the climate crisis. We need to scale up their implementation rapidly if we are to have any hope of meeting our climate goals."

Inger Andersen, Executive Director, UN Environment Programme

"NbS are a win-win for people and planet. They can help us mitigate climate change, adapt to its impacts, and improve our health. But they aren’t being scaled quickly enough.”

Professor Nathalie Seddon, University of Oxford

"We need to work with nature if we are to solve the climate crisis. NbS are powerful, cost-effective, scalable & have many co-benefits. We need to invest in NbS now.”  

Christiana Figueres, Executive Secretary, UN FCCC